Repair & Winterize my Home Event
At the East Machias Community Center (Firehouse) to learn about the repair and weatherization programs offered in Washington County.
Events subject to change.
At the East Machias Community Center (Firehouse) to learn about the repair and weatherization programs offered in Washington County.
Get your creative ideas rolling! We have had some AMAZING entries in the past. There are two categories: Best Business and Best Residential. Scarecrows must be displayed by Oct. 20. Judging will be held Tuesday, Oct. 24. Wonderful gift baskets for the winners! Call the Machias Bay Chamber of Commerce, 255.4402, to register your entry […]
RE: General Assistance Ordinance Appendices A-D.
The Town of Machias is seeking sealed bids for 1500 cubic yards of sand for winter road maintenance. Copies of the bid specifications may be obtained at the Machias Town Office. All bids must be sealed and clearly marked “Winter Sand Bid”. Completed bids must be returned to the Machias Town Office, P.O. Box 418, […]
The Planning Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
Flu clinic at the Lee Pellon Center in Machias Maine
Maine Robotics of Orono is holding a free workshop for adults to teach them how to build and program with Lego Mindstorms robot kits at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 28 Center Street, Machias, ME.
Help your neighbors by providing a healthy meal during the holidays!
Connecting Maine's homeless Veterans to VA and community resources. The goal is to end Veteran homelessness one Veteran at a time.
Participating businesses will be listed on the Machias Bay Area Chamber of Commerce facebook page.