Planning Board Meeting
Machias Town Hall 7 Court Street, Suite 1, Machias, ME, United StatesThe Planning Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
Events subject to change.
The Planning Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m.
There will be a Special Town Meeting at the Machias Memorial High School Gymnasium on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 @ 6pm, then and there to act on the following articles, to wit: ARTICLE 1: To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 2: Shall an ordinance entitled "Town of Machias Medical Marijuana Ordinance" […]
At the Machias Town Office
at SCEC/CCC Conference Room
"Deck the Falls" - First Annual Holiday Decorating Contest There will be 2 Categories: Business and Home. Entries will be accepted through December 19th by contacting the Machias Town Office at 255-6621. Three (3) prizes in each category. All decorations must be visible from street/curb. Judging to be held by Machias Selectboard on December 20th […]
Regarding: Municipal Tax Increment Finance (MTIF) presentation by Eaton Peabody