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Machias Public Works








Phone Number: 207-255-8533

Machias Public Works Director and
The Road Commissioner
:  Mike Schoppee


Departmental Employee

  • Larry Armstrong
  • Dalton “Denny” Farley
  • Reagan Smith

On-Call Position with Fire Dept – Driver

  • Vacant

Operating Hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM to 3:30PM.

Transportation Permits/Rules and Regulations –

The Town of Machias Public Works Department is made up of 3 full time employees and 1 part-time employee including the Public Works Director, Mike Shoppee.  The Machias Public Works department maintains 27 miles of roads.

Machias Public Works

Yearly Report

The Machias Public Works Crew had a good year with sweeping sidewalks, parking lots, roadways, spring cleanup, trash removal, flower and tree care.

The Machias Public Works painted crosswalks, striped parking lots and roadways throughout town.  Public Works continues to provide lawn care to the town owned lawns including cemeteries, town parks and airport mowing.

The Machias Public Works is responsible for plowing snow, sanding and snow removal including Route 1A contract with the State of Maine.  Costs were more normal with a lower number of storms. Sand and Salt costs were up due to the increase in the amount of ice and road freeze overs.  Crews worked long hours to keep streets, roads, parking lots and the airport in safe travel conditions.

The Machias Public Works Crew continues to repair the town parks to keep them in safe condition.

Machias Public Works operating hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.  Our contact info remains the same, telephone number is 207-255-8533.  We welcome any questions or concerns.   Our department wants to thank the citizens and businesses for their continued support.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Schoppee

Machias Public Works Director