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Wastewater Treatment Plant

Located at:
33 Kilton Lane
Machias, Maine 04654

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 418
Machias,  ME 04654

Phone: 207-255-3295

Current Sewer Rates – Effective July 1, 2017

Operated by Olver Associates Inc., Environmental Engineers
Annaleis  Hafford oversees the site and there are 3 employees onsite.

  • Dakota Norton, Superintendent
  • Dan Warren – Assistant Operator
  • Jesse Wood, Assistant Operator

DEP Reminds Mainers of what not to flush – click here



The Town of Machias’ Wastewater Treatment Facility consists of eight miles of sewer collection system piping, one inverted siphon station, two pumping stations and a treatment facility with the capacity to treat an average of 900,000 gallons of wastewater per day. As we reflect on the past year, we want to personally thank the residents of the Town for all they have done, not only by supporting wastewater personnel in their jobs, but also by giving us the tools we need to do our job effectively. Through your actions, you have proven your commitment and respect for the environment. We would invite anyone interested in touring the facility to please call us at the Machias Treatment Facility, and we would gladly show you around, as well as explain how the process works.


Process treatment summary:

91,710,000 gallons of wastewater was treated at the facility.

Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) averaged 6.8 mg/l with a removal rate of 95%.

Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) levels averaged 4.5 mg/l with a removal rate of 97%.

The licensed TSS and BOD monthly average limitations are 30 mg/l with a minimum removal rate of 85%.

Collection system progress:

With the help of the Machias Fire Department we flushed and cleaned 7,800 feet of sewer on Main Street, Stackpole Road, Grove Street and Court Street.

We inspected cross-country lines from Hudson to Hardwood Street and Cooper Street to the treatment facility. We also inspected the cross-country line from Stillman Street to Maine Wild. The siphon station was cleaned once and the three lines that run under the Machias River were flushed twice.

Wastewater Treatment Facility:

The wastewater staff spent a lot of time in 2023 completing housekeeping and maintenance to improve the overall appearance and operations of the plant. This work included the following key items:

  • All three clarifiers were drained, cleaned and pressure washed.
  • The contact chamber was drained, cleaned and pressure washed.
  • Installed E-Stop for crane hoist.
  • Fixed overhead grit room door.
  • Performed maintenance on pump truck.
  • Started painting the plant floors.
  • Replaced the bisulfate pump with a new Stenner pump.
  • Replaced heat tape on bisulfite and hypochlorite line.
  • Replaced both pumps at Eastside Pumping Station.
  • Replaced underground bisulfate line.
  • Maintenance performed on the boiler.
  • Border Electric installed two new Samsung Heat pumps to the facility.
  • Donovan started construction for the siphon project.
  • Replaced oil seal in #2 clarifier.
  • Progress Engineering replaced Influent and CSO panels.
  • Replaced seal, greased and changed oil on Limitorque valves.
  • Installed Ice and Water shield on roof.
  • Repaired scum tank panel electrical (underground broken line).
  • Replaced starter on Grinder and serviced.
  • Replaced underground bleach line.
  • Replaced #2 outside splitter box gate.
  • Repaired discharge pipe on blower #5.
  • Repaired and replaced diffusers in conditioning tank.
  • Replaced #7 blower.
  • Yearly routine maintenance on all equipment.

The Town of Machias Wastewater Staff is requesting your assistance to prevent blockages in sewage infrastructure, pipes and pump stations, resulting from improper disposal of consumer products. Examples of the consumer materials that can cause sewer blockages when disposed of in sewers include the following: – Baby/disinfecting wipes – Disposable toilet cleaning pads – Moist towelettes – Makeup removal pads – Disposable mop heads – Dental floss – Surface cleaning wipes – Candy wrappers – Towels. While many of these products are marketed as “flushable”, several studies, and the experience of utilities across the country, have shown that they do not break down after disposal like common toilet tissue. The synthetic fibers that make the wipes and other products strong and effective can cause them to form clumps that easily entangle in pumps without ripping. Sewage can back up behind these clogs, sometimes causing wastewater to discharge into homeowner basements. These products should be disposed of in the trash. The wastewater treatment industry is working with the manufacturers of these products to provide more accurate labeling, to define the term “flushable”, and to ensure that products are disposed of in a responsible way. Additional consumer items that may be labeled as “disposable”- such as diapers, feminine hygiene products, bladder control undergarments, plastic bags, and fabric cloths- should never be flushed. None of the products listed above should be disposed of in sewer or storm drain systems. Your cooperation in disposing of these wastes properly will protect not only your local surface waters but also the bottom line by reducing the need for cost increases to fund expanding maintenance requirements.

The work on the siphon project to date has included the construction of the pump station wet well and building. The contractor has ordered the pumps which will be installed when delivered. The piping between the pump station and across the river will be installed between November 1st and April 8th according to the projects required environmental permitting.

In closing, we would like to thank the Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, Machias Fire Department and the Highway crew for helping to keep the wastewater infrastructure in top condition. Again, we would also like to thank the taxpayers for their support, because without your help, it would be extremely difficult to keep our Town and the environment the way we all expect it to be.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dakota Norton, Chief Operator