Animal Control Officer
Jessica Lewis
Town of Machias
255-6621 or 255-8683
After hours contact RCC - 255-8308
Reminder: as of February 1st a late fee of $25.00 will be charged.
On behalf of the Animal Welfare Program:
Regarding Dr. Cynthia Teer, who owns and practices veterinary medicine at Machias Animal Hospital in Machias, ME. Dr. Teer has not held a valid license to practice veterinary medicine since January of 2018 and her license was recently revoked by the Board of Veterinary Medicine. Maine law requires that a licensed veterinarian administer a rabies vaccine to dogs in advance of municipal licensure. As she does not, and has not recently, held a veterinary license in Maine, any rabies vaccine administered by Dr. Teer in 2018 through the present may not be honored when residents present a rabies certificate in order to license their dog(s). Please consult a licensed veterinarian who can determine if the dog should be revaccinated. As a general rule, administration of a rabies vaccine is very safe and side effects are very rare.
Rachael Fiske, DVM, Assistant State Vetinarian, Division of Animal Health & Welfare Program, Maine Dept of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, Augusta ME
Animal Control Ordinance click here