Machias Spay & Neuter Clinic for Cats
Call for appt 200-5670
Events subject to change.
Call for appt 200-5670
Click here for more information
click here for Budget Committee Schedule
MACHIAS TOWN OFFICE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC PLEASE NOTE: Given the current health climate, our office is practicing personal hygiene, social distancing, and other precautions in compliance with Maine CDC […]
Meetings third Friday of each month, SCEC/CC Conference Room, 7 Ames Way - Machias
During this time of COVID-19 please contact the assessor at 207-263-6824 with any questions you may have.
Board of Select-people's meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Tele-Business Center on Stackpole Drive.