10 events found.
Machias Community Calendar
Events subject to change.
Green Space Subcommittee Meeting
The meeting will be held at Whole Life Market in Machias. One of the topics on the agenda is to finalize the plans for planting the triangle where Rt 1 and 1A divide.
Request for BID Proprosals for HVAC System Replacement Tele-business Center
Sealed proposals marked "Bid-HVAC System Tele-business" will be received by the Town of Machias until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 25th, 2016
Request for Bid Proposals for Roof Replacement Tele-business Center
Sealed proposals marked "Bid-Roof Project Tele-business" will be received by the Town of Machias until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 25, 2016.
Special Town Meeting
Special Town Meeting at 6:00pm with Board of Selectman Meeting to immediately follow.
1st Fly In and Airshow Rangeley, Maine
Click on Link for further info: https://machiasme.org/wp-content/uploads/flyinrangley.doc